Early on in our relationship my girlfriend (now wife) had decided I was obsessed with dogs. Maybe it was my simple joy at seeing one. (I never failed to point out dogs.) Maybe is was my tactic of taking walks in places were people walked their dogs. She told me someone like me just needed have to a dog. (She was right of course as she generally is.) Shortly after convincing me to get a dog. She left for months to work on a political campaign. I considered getting a dog while she was away, (Indeed she urged me to do so.) but she was moving in when she came back. The dog would be member of our "family" and I wanted her to have a say. When she came back the the economy being in the tank meant I had a "extra" week off over the holidays. Plus she was taking a month off. All the books claimed it was best that the dog have as much time with the family in the early weeks as possible. Thus the week before Christmas was the "perfect" time for us.
I was prepared. (At least in my mind.) I'd watched 2 seasons of it's "Me or the Dog". Read numerous "taking your dog home" guides. Researched breeds, training styles, and the like. I'd been trolling adoption fairs at various pet stores on weekends. I knew what I wanted. An older lab mix. Or a King Charles Spaniel. Or as a last resort a cocker or small spaniel type. She and I had worked out a few guide lines as well. No dogs she would be afraid might bite someone. Pitbulls being the obvious example of this type for her. (Yes know. I've met a lot of nice pits too, but then I know some that are menaces.) On the other scale she didn't want a little dog that shivered all time like a Chihuahua. I'm not fond of them as they are the only type of dog that has ever bit me. (twice in fact)

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